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© Rob McGibbon, 2013

28th January

had a lovely night in the “Petit dortoire” much prefer it to upstairs, learn also that the old girl Peggs + I christened “Aunt Sally” is the super-directrice, however she seems very nice, Hurrah! going out with Lily to-morrow, that is, if everything is alright. have painting all the afternoon, fruit, never done it from models before, very difficult + prefer the other, have frightfully bad chillblains! wish I could find some stuff to cure them! weather suddenly turned quite warm, no more skating in the Bois or Luxembourg now, I can’t say that I sorry, the cold was getting unbearable. Mend some of Peggs gloves to wear to-morrow, they smell so Peggsyfied – make me feel quite miserable! usual evening. bed! 66 days more.

Categories:  diary entry